Asset:HISGODISGOD ID: 1035417141470455
Issuer:1CCPbFbST8ruJrTGjm2Ss5aTAaqng4naBN Supply:55
BTC Price:0.00289999 XCP Price: 42.01057511

He is the Alpha and Omega He is the beginning and end of all of creation, and we are made in His image…we are ALL apart of Him He is the greatest expression of love that ever existed.He never sought to destroy His people as our enemies would have us believe (because perhaps they were the ones He was always going to come for, and projection is the enemies favorite tool) …but rather, He always meant to “deliver us from evil” as HiStory has foretold before. God loves ALL His children so much more than we even understand despite our flaws and imperfections.The book of Jeremiah states “God has plans to prosper His people”…As we look around us we can SEE (with the right kind of eyes) in these times, the same kind of writing on the wall as the times of Moses. Today, God is shining His great light onto the world exposing darkness in a way many never thought possible- we are experiencing Him moving through the world in real time -using people as He has always done to carry out His plans, and His WILL be done- Because no matter what.

Wallet 1: 1CCPbFbST8ruJrTGjm2Ss5aTAaqng4naBN Quantity: 31 Percentage: 56.36%
Wallet 2: 13nmNgFVMLwCQTxdRiZLemNuQrU2i49Yp6 Quantity: 10 Percentage: 18.18%
Wallet 3: 1PHnxfHgojebxzW6muz8zfbE4bkDtbEudx Quantity: 2 Percentage: 3.64%
Wallet 4: 1ADca8k8XRY278QfQ3f9ynWaNYFzUDhkrk Quantity: 1 Percentage: 1.82%
Wallet 5: 1BCqCqHEc6qp7RGdAuubtzupeEPcvPtup3 Quantity: 1 Percentage: 1.82%
Wallet 6: 1D5bx2MFe5toDDvzrZdYsUVoEgZNkSfJqX Quantity: 1 Percentage: 1.82%
Wallet 7: 1HGf5jvPTi8c7gQhU5HMTh6T2DRK1Tgbc1 Quantity: 1 Percentage: 1.82%
Wallet 8: 1HRWMqE6awr7zbgRWxcu5SXZE546wz3jf9 Quantity: 1 Percentage: 1.82%
Wallet 9: 1MBNgJkJKii9pT9t6GyKRj5DM5P5MPs8Hq Quantity: 1 Percentage: 1.82%
Wallet 10: 1mpz7w1rVDPLvm2bQEra3F4w9qFFaEZMQ Quantity: 1 Percentage: 1.82%
Wallet 11: 1NzqwpLpAG7nGXPah9azAKarGsR9myCRUU Quantity: 1 Percentage: 1.82%
Wallet 12: 13Hnmhs5gy2yXKVBx4wSM5HCBdKnaSBZJH Quantity: 1 Percentage: 1.82%

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