The Asset CriticArt.


CriticArt is a token created under CounterParty with the aim of creating an economy for the website in which it will be used with the mindset of creating various uses within the platform. Its total circulation capacity will be 1,000,000 tokens which will be released in different phases or periods of 3 months, initially 140,000 tokens will be released with an approximate value of $20 per token with which it is hoped to create the first art collections from, in turn, an airdrop will be made to all card holders from GamesOfTrump, PepeHefner or WorldOfPepe.
However, if at any point before the next 3-month token release CriticArt tokens cease to circulate, a new percentage of CriticArt tokens will need to be circulated in order to continue creating CriticArt cards.
Depending on the interest of the community, a limited number of series and cards will be created with the aim that over the years the cards obtain a better commercial value.